about me

Last updated 2024-10-15

My name is Jonni Liljamo and I'm a *-developer from Finland.

What exactly do I do?

Software developer, game developer, programmer, or whatever, I just like sitting at a computer and making things.

Currently I'm most comfortable working with Rust and Go, and I'm most interested in working with low-level languages and working with systems level applications, backends, internal systems, etc. I also have interests in embedded systems and game development.

I am also interested in system administration and I am currently self-hosting quite a few things at home.

Background up until... Now

I was exposed to computers at a fairly young age, but I mostly just played video games until I developed an interest for development at the age of 12. I had an "I don't need no books"-attitude then and decided to learn by just doing. Nowadays I do read books, so I do kind of regret that.

At the age of 13 I ran into something that changed my life's trajectory and led me to where I am today. That thing was Linux. What started as an experimental dual boot became my daily driver during the next year and I haven't looked back. It exposed me to more and more communities of passionate Linux users, developers, and system administrators.

Through the years, I stumbled through various projects in Python, C#, C, C++, until finally settling on Rust and Go as my go-to languages during the Covid times. During those years I also started a homelab which is currently running various different services and websites for personal use, including this one.

And that's about it 'till now. As of writing this I've just finished my military service (conscription).



During your time here
    Please do not seek truth and think critically
        As this can be problematic


a lily

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